What I Do Around Here…

I help lead our worship team. I help manage and develop staff. I assist Cole with creating message content because we’ve learned that two are better than one. 

A Little About My Story…

One of my first memories is kneeling at an altar, receiving communion with my mother. She very simply told me about Jesus and it was there that I first knew Him. In fact, I can’t ever remember a time when I wasn’t aware of His presence in my life. this not at all due to my faithfulness, but His. Try as I might, I couldn’t ignore Him.

I’m married to the funny preacher. Our knee-jerk perspectives in life are usually opposite, so we need a lot of Jesus in the mix. He already told you the family deets.

I’m a little nerdy. I enjoy creativity. When I’m comfortable, I’m way too opinionated and talk way too much. Sometimes I sing. I’m not sure I should admit this, PBS is a staple in my television viewing.

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